Factory Classes
Color Palette PHP uses the Factory pattern to create instances of image loaders and color extractors. This provides a clean and flexible way to instantiate these objects.
The ImageFactory
class is responsible for creating image instances from various sources.
use Farzai\ColorPalette\ImageFactory;
// Create an image factory instance
$factory = new ImageFactory();
// Create image from path
$image = $factory->createFromPath('path/to/image.jpg');
// Create image from string content
$image = $factory->createFromString($imageContent);
The ColorExtractorFactory
class creates color extractor instances based on the specified backend (GD or ImageMagick).
use Farzai\ColorPalette\ColorExtractorFactory;
// Create a factory instance
$factory = new ColorExtractorFactory();
// Create a GD-based extractor
$gdExtractor = $factory->make('gd');
// Create an ImageMagick-based extractor
$imagickExtractor = $factory->make('imagick');
Available Backends
Backend | Class | Description |
gd | GdColorExtractor | Uses PHP’s GD extension |
imagick | ImagickColorExtractor | Uses PHP’s ImageMagick extension |
The ImageLoaderFactory
class creates image loader instances.
use Farzai\ColorPalette\ImageLoaderFactory;
// Create a factory instance
$factory = new ImageLoaderFactory();
// Create an image loader
$loader = $factory->make();
Best Practices
- Backend Selection
- Use GD for basic color extraction (faster, lower memory usage)
- Use ImageMagick for advanced image processing needs
- Error Handling
use Farzai\ColorPalette\Exceptions\UnsupportedBackendException; try { $extractor = $factory->make('unsupported_backend'); } catch (UnsupportedBackendException $e) { // Handle unsupported backend error }