Color Spaces
API Documentation
This section covers the color space conversions available in the library.
Supported Color Spaces
The library supports the following color spaces:
- RGB (Red, Green, Blue) - Integer values from 0 to 255
- HSL (Hue: 0-360°, Saturation: 0-100%, Lightness: 0-100%)
- Hex (6-digit hexadecimal color notation, e.g., #FF0000)
Color Space Conversion
RGB Conversions
use Farzai\ColorPalette\Color;
// Create from direct RGB values (0-255)
$color = new Color(255, 0, 0);
// Create from RGB array (supports both named and numeric keys)
$color = Color::fromRgb(['r' => 255, 'g' => 0, 'b' => 0]);
// or
$color = Color::fromRgb([255, 0, 0]);
// Missing values default to 0
$color = Color::fromRgb(['r' => 255]); // g and b will be 0
// Convert to HSL
$hsl = $color->toHsl(); // ['h' => 0, 's' => 100, 'l' => 50]
// Convert to Hex
$hex = $color->toHex(); // '#ff0000'
HSL Conversions
// Create from HSL values
// hue: 0-360 (degrees)
// saturation: 0-100 (percentage)
// lightness: 0-100 (percentage)
$color = Color::fromHsl(0, 100, 50);
// Convert to RGB (HSL values are normalized internally)
$rgb = $color->toRgb(); // ['r' => 255, 'g' => 0, 'b' => 0]
// Convert to Hex
$hex = $color->toHex(); // '#ff0000'
Hex Conversions
// Create from Hex (must be exactly 6 hex digits)
$color = Color::fromHex('#ff0000'); // Leading # is optional
// or
$color = Color::fromHex('ff0000');
// Convert to RGB
$rgb = $color->toRgb(); // ['r' => 255, 'g' => 0, 'b' => 0]
// Convert to HSL
$hsl = $color->toHsl(); // ['h' => 0, 's' => 100, 'l' => 50]
Working with Color Components
Accessing Components
$color = new Color(255, 0, 0);
// RGB components (integers 0-255)
$red = $color->getRed(); // 255
$green = $color->getGreen(); // 0
$blue = $color->getBlue(); // 0
// Get HSL values through conversion
$hsl = $color->toHsl();
$hue = $hsl['h']; // 0 (0-360 degrees)
$saturation = $hsl['s']; // 100 (0-100 percentage)
$lightness = $hsl['l']; // 50 (0-100 percentage)
Error Handling
try {
// Each RGB component must be between 0 and 255
$color = new Color(300, 0, 0);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// "Invalid red color component. Must be between 0 and 255"
try {
// Hex format must be exactly 6 hex digits
$color = Color::fromHex('invalid');
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// "Invalid hex color format"
try {
// HSL values are normalized internally
// hue is wrapped to 0-360
// saturation and lightness are clamped to 0-100
$color = Color::fromHsl(400, 150, 200);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// Handle invalid HSL values